Microphone overlooking meeting event space


Living with Tomorrow in Mind – Our Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability is no longer a responsibility for governments and environmental organizations. It is everyone’s responsibility. Since we are all part of the problem, we must all be part of the solution.

To this end, The Mill Casino • Hotel & RV Park has committed to address the problem at all levels. We don’t leave it to select individuals or even to departments. Instead, every one of us has been assigned a role to play and collectively we’ve been able to make tremendous progress.

How We Keep it Green in Coos Bay

At The Mill Casino we are always dedicating our efforts to keeping the environment green and sustainable. Below, learn more about what we are consistently doing to keep our community eco-friendly.


Recycling reduces waste disposal by at least 47 percent. Here is what we’ve recycled on a year by year basis since 2010;

  • 288,000 lbs. of cardboard and newsprint
  • 63,141 lbs. of confidential documents
  • 3,250 lbs. of scrap metal
  • 280 lbs, of light bulbs
  • 12 tons of glass bottles
  • We collect and return on average 92,460 water bottles
  • The Casino recycles 32 ton of co-mingled material
  • The RV Park recycles 18 tons of co-mingled material

Adoption of New Technology

We continually seek new ways to operate; ways that improve our productivity while increasing our efficiency. Thus far, we have;

  • Converted soy ink to recyclable cartridges
  • Switched to exchangeable, recyclable batteries for PC backup power
  • Increased the amount of electronic material we recycle
  • Chosen to purchase 11.4 percent of our electricity from renewable sources. We are also a Visionary Partner of the Pacific Power Blue Sky Program
  • Upgraded to Energy Star 5.0 rated computers and silver-rated monitors

Reducing Kitchen Waste

We have also taken steps to reduce wastage from our kitchen in a bid to further reduce our environmental impact:

  • Beginning 2007, we convert all used cooking oils to biodiesel truck fuel
  • In 2010, we began a vermin-composting project where we convert kitchen waste to fertilizer that is then used in landscaping. In the first year of the project, we converted 1,100 pounds of waste to 35 gallons of fertilizer.

Energy Efficiency Efforts

By finding ways to increase our efficiency, The Mill Casino • Hotel & RV Park has managed to save important resources as follows;

  • Converting cooling, heating and cooking to natural gas earns us $250,000 in energy savings annually.
  • Using low-flow shower heads saves the facility 600,000 gallons of water each year.
  • Recycling scrap metals from construction projects saves us thousands of dollars every year.